Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRP)

Protecting and advocating for rights of people with disabilities so that they may live the lives they choose, free from abuse, neglect, discrimination, and segregation.

Philadelphia Bar Foundation Grant Impact

The Philadelphia Bar Foundation's generous support has enabled Disability Rights PA (DRP) to provide quality legal services to Philadelphians with disabilities. With funding from the Bar Foundation, DRP provides intake, information, and referral services to hundreds of Philadelphians with disabilities, including home and community services, special education, public benefits, housing, employment discrimination, and accessibility. The Bar Foundation's funding further facilitates DRP's system reform activities to secure broad-scale policy changes through litigation and advocacy to promote the right of people with disabilities to live as full and equal members of their communities. 

Summary List of Programs and Services

Disability Rights Pennsylvania operates a toll-free intake system and provides free legal and advocacy services to Pennsylvanians with disabilities in cases that meet our priorities and objectives.

Summary List of Priorities for Client Intake

Disability Rights Pennsylvania’s intake system is open to all persons with disabilities, their families, and advocates.